Rent this beautiful apartment in Montreal!
If you want to go to restaurants, you don’t have to travel far to find a multitude of renowned international gastronomy.
It would be difficult to name all the names of restaurants in the neighborhood given the quantity and quality that surround the apartment.
If you need to go shopping on st Catherine street or in the underground mall, the neighborhood offers many choices from large department
stores to smaller exclusive boutique shops.
Beyond the name Euphoria,it is the mark of a unique, decidedly urban lifestyle. And now you can discover this very special apartment as envisioned by MontrealStays.com!
* 12 story concrete building consisting of 152 units
* Air Conditioning
* Hardwood floors
* Granite kitchen countertops
* Window coverings
* 3 stainless steel kitchen appliances with in-suite washer/dryer
For further information please contact me